


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8AM - 6PM, Sat 9AM - 2PM

No Filter Laser & Aesthetics Services

Laser Hair Removal

No more waxing & throw out your razors. Our diode laser hair removal gives you pain free & permanent hair removal up to 90%. It is tried, tested, safe, cost-effective and with years of experience in the industry, we strive to provide you with honest, professional and reliable service.

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Laser Hair Removal


Do you want smoother and more radiant skin? Have excessive peach fuzz on your face? Then Dermaplaning is for you. We gently scrape the top layers of the skin to get rid of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair to reveal a luminous skin. There is no downtime to this treatment and instant results can be seen.

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Also known as Collagen-Induction Therapy. Yes, the name says it all. Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment using fine needles to stimulate the skin's own healing response, which in turn, improves the production of collagen. A magnificent anti ageing treatment, reduces lines and wrinkles, improving skin texture, assists with hyperpigmentation and many more....

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Spicules Bioneedling

An innovative procedure giving you quick and visible results. Spongilla Spicules are broken down into a powder that creates a biological microneedle. These bio microneedles are directly introduced into your skin's dermis through a hand massage. It promotes collagen and elastin regeneration, improves skin texture and tone, as well as enhancing product absorption.

Spicules Bioneedling

Dermafix Facials & Chemical Peels

A cosmeceutical skin care range, presenting dermatologically approved and clinically effective products and treatments. We offer facial treatments for various skin concerns including entry level, general maintenance as well as more advanced skin care needs.

Dermafix Facials & Chemical Peels


Not ready for laser? We also offer waxing services. Opt for waxing instead of shaving, as a longer lasting hair removal option. Waxing leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.


January 2024 Promotions

January 2024 Promotions

Book a Free Laser Hair Removal Consultation & Test Patch

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